OD-OS od-os.com
Ophthalmology and the treatment of diabetic retinopathy are at the center of development at OD-OS. After introducing the first generation navigated laser with research oriented customers a new generation optimized for daily retina care and with extended, digital remote access options is currently establishing itself on the market of ophthalmic practitioners worldwide.
“OD-OS aims to set new standards of care for retina treatment. By extending our innovative Retina Navigation platform, our goal is to become the global leader in novel therapeutic solutions for the growing number of people suffering from retina diseases.” Winfried Teiwes, CEO
The name OD-OS was chosen for the company as it is instantly recognizable and easily remembered by anyone who is involved in retina therapy. OD-OS denotes the right eye (Oculus Dexter) and left eye (Oculus Sinister), as is commonly used in everyday documentation by eye doctors. Furthermore, OD-OS also stands for Ophthalmic Diagnostics – Ophthalmic Surgery. And it is this unique combination of the two aspects of standard care that points to the company’s goal: OD-OS is breaking new ground in integrating both the diagnosis and therapy in one solution utilizing Retina Navigation. Allowing you to Image, Plan, Treat, and Document with a single device.
“We are striving to preserve the eyesight of patients with retina disease. Our German-American team of experts in ophthalmic devices works closely with eye doctors, clinical specialists and partners all over the world to advance the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. We provide innovative therapy solutions, being the first to introduce Retina Navigation with its unique integration of imaging, planning, treatment, and documentation – utilizing our advanced overlay technology.” Winfried Teiwes, CEO
OD-OS on the cooperation with MIG:
“MIG paved the way for today’s retina navigation technology through the previous investment in SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH (SMI). OD-OS was founded as an offshoot of SMI at the start of 2008, after more than three years of product and technological development at SMI by a team dedicated to Retina Navigation. Thanks to MIG and other investors, OD-OS was created with a solid capital base and the focused target of bringing Retina Navigation to the market to the benefit of many diabetic patients worldwide.” Winfried Teiwes, CEO